lunedì 31 dicembre 2012

giovedì 27 dicembre 2012

What we can do during the Christmas holidays?

I personally don't like so much the Christmas holidays.

During those, we tend to think about the whole year, what we did, what we should do and what we are going to do before this year ends.

We balance our needs with what we can really get.

By the way, the days are few before the end of the year and I want to advice to everybody to enjoy these days, also doing very simple things.

For example gathering some friends and play Playstation together:


or play with some board games:


For sports enthusiasts, play soccer with your friends or doing a weekend of skiing:


I'm going back to play!!

And what do you do during the Christmas holidays?

martedì 25 dicembre 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to Everybody.


lunedì 24 dicembre 2012

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is coming, everything is ready.

Hugs your parents.. reply to the same questions of the last year:

Where is your girlfriend?!?


Big dinner later with back us the television that will talk about the Italian crisis, market and politics.


Such every time, we will play Tombola!


At the end unwrap gifts and drink the last drops sparkling wine..

This is mine Christmas Eve!

Will you enjoy it like me?

sabato 22 dicembre 2012

What do you want for Christmas?

It's always difficult chose something to have for Christmas, for ourselves or for the others either.

Be inspired by fashion somethimes is not the best choice, we risk to don't be understood:

I personally decided to present, for this Christmas, traditional things:

And you?

giovedì 20 dicembre 2012

End of the World.. my last problem

I think that Maya were incredible business people.

Think forward, foresee, analyze and trust in the power of infinite... such our current pioneers.

But there is always an end.. also the end of the World :-).

I don't think the World will end in 2 days and this is my last trouble... for you?


lunedì 17 dicembre 2012

NES Soundtracks - Castlevania 2 - Batman - TMNT

I grew up with these videogames and listening again their soundtracks make me melancholy.. don't you?


Castlevania 2





domenica 16 dicembre 2012

Turkish Airlines - tv spot

In don't think that Turkish Airlines is the best airline in Europe.

It's sure that Lionel Messi and Kobe Bryant are the best in their sports and also to act in this fantastic spot: